delivering full text open access of highest quality research literature in Agriculture, social science, medical and engineering & technology

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agriExperts - Database of agriculture experts in India

"The agriExperts Database fills a need by elevating the profile of experts with relevant contextual knowledge in agriculture and allied science"

      For authors

Publication is a crucial part of the research cycle.The number of times your work is cited is important as well because it can indicate the impact that your research has on the field ...

      Research Institutions

Most Innovative Research Institutions, a list that identifies which organizations are doing the most advance science, pioneer new technologies to power humankind and industries. ...

For Publoshers


The today's challenges of publisher

It is true that publishers today face many challenges created by changing literature demand, technology and tools used to access information, etc.. Publishing has now an entirely new set of challenges than it once did. And, everyone bringing content to the digital world needs to make sure they’re ready to face the crucial points in the process. The today's major challenges of publisher can be viewed as:
  • Increase the visibility of publications
  • Accessibility to a global audience
  • Finding reviewer for peer-review of publications
  • Increase the citation of publications
  • Drive usage to your publications
The Solution

Submit content in RESEARCH Xplore, it is an archive of full-text literature. Publishers may be interested in submitting content to RESEARCH Xplore in order to increase discoverability of and access to its contents; ensure a long-term, publicly accessible archive of a journal.

Be Part of RESEARCH Xplore at Free of Cost

Any publisher, Scientific & Academic societies, institutions are publishing the journals, Conference proceedings, monographs, etc are invites to be a part of this exciting RESEARCH Xplore database at free of cost.
RESEARCH Xplore sign the agreement to provide online access to content (abstract and full text) of third party publisher on the free of cost. The publisher will retain the right to publish their content even in other online databases. If the publisher has the open access of publication RESEARCH Xplore will archive it in the database making it available via online searchable database for the purpose of research and education. RESEARCH Xplore also archive the content of recognized Conference proceedings/documents free of cost with the condition publisher has to provide PDF/MS word format of publication.

RESEARCH Xplore submission options

To support above different goals of Publishers and authors, Research Xplore offers three submission options for publishers and authors to consider:

Journal submission

The journals may deposit its complete contents for long term digital preservation and publicly accessible. If they have dedicated website can submit link of article also. If the journal meets CPeCR’s standards (scientific and technical) for inclusion in RESEARCH Xplore. Interested journals should review the current Participation Agreements. To learn more, see How to Include a Journal in RESEARCH Xplore .
The Journal selected for submission after evaluation of technical committee, will deposit the final published version of all from a journal, starting with a particular volume/issue or publication date using RESEARCH Xplore Manuscript Submission System.

Selective Submission (Thesis, Conference Proceedings, etc)

Publishers can submit selected documents such as thesis, Conference Proceedings, technical reports, etc to the RESEARCH Xplore. publishers who want to deposit a selected set of articles to RESEARCH Xplore from a collection of journals. This is generally used by publishers who offer a hybrid publishing model, i.e., a traditional subscription-based journal in which selected articles are published as "open access.

Author SELF Deposit

The AuthorSELF of ResearchXplore, provides publishers to deposit author version of manuscript or authors can self archive their publications if published open access otherwise can submit link complying publishers policies. Author can directly submit their published manuscript using RESEARCH Xplore Manuscript Submission System

Publishers interested for submission under any of the above options must follow the guidelines and best practices published by relevant professional organizations (visit the Guidelines page for details). Additionally, participating journals and selective deposit programs are required to meet CPeCR’s technical quality requirements, which includes deposit of full-text for every article. Please see Technical Quality Criteria.

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      Research News

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