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agriExperts - Database of agriculture experts in India

"The agriExperts Database fills a need by elevating the profile of experts with relevant contextual knowledge in agriculture and allied science"

      For authors

Publication is a crucial part of the research cycle.The number of times your work is cited is important as well because it can indicate the impact that your research has on the field ...

      Research Institutions

Most Innovative Research Institutions, a list that identifies which organizations are doing the most advance science, pioneer new technologies to power humankind and industries. ...



RESEARCH Xplore provides free access to research information to the international community without financial, legal or technical barriers. All the journals listed in RESEARCH Xplore are freely available for.....RESEARCH Xplore, breaking new frontiers in the world of open access journals.
Following are academic and scientific journals in RESEARCH Xplore, and many more will be included very soon as various publishers signing the agreement.
Journal of Oilseed Brassica
The Journal of Oilseed Brassica published by Society for Rapeseed-Mustard Research (SRMR) is a multidisciplinary an international journal that publish...
Indian Agriculturist
The journal, INDIAN AGRICULTURIST, is the official publication of the Agricultural Society of India. It is published four times in a year (quarterly) ...
Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science
The Cuban Journal of Agricultural Science is a publication of the Institute of Animal Science from the Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of...
Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (MJSA)
Malaysian Journal of Sustainable Agricultural (MJSA) is a cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing the understanding of sustai...
Indian Journal of Horticulture
Indian Journal of Horticulture is the official publication of Indian Academy of Horticultural Sciences (Formerly The Horticultural Society of India) b...
Indian Journal of Science and Technology
Indian Journal of Science and Technology is an open-access journal publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that f...
Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources
The Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources (IJPGR), is the official publication by the Indian Society of Plant Genetic Resources (ISPGR), New Delhi...
African Journal of Aquatic Science
Publishes research on inland and estuarine African aquatic systems, including lakes, rivers, limnology, ecology, conservation, water quality and ecoto...
Indian Journal of Poultry Science
Established in 1965, Indian Journal of Poultry Science (IJPS), a leading peer-reviewed Indian journal in the field is an official publication of the I...
Indian Research Journal of Extension Education
The Indian Research Journal of Extension Education published by Society for Extension Education Agra (SEEA) is a multidisciplinary an international jo...
African Entomology
African Entomology replaced te Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa in 1993. African Entomology is a peer-reviewed scientific jour...
AgricINTERNATIONAL contain peer reviewed research, conceptual, theme and review articles on all aspects of agricultural sciences including biology,...
Journal of Extension Education (JEE)
The Journal of Extension Education (JEE) is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal in the field of extension education published by the Extension Education...

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